Energy Expenditure for Aerobic Exercise on a Curved, Non-Motorized Treadmill Versus a Traditional Motorized Treadmill

Author Details

Andrew Hatchett, Christi Brewer, Kaitlyn Armstrong, Brian Parr

Journal Details


Published: 26 July 2018 | Article Type :


Background: While running on a traditional motorized treadmill (TMT) and a curved-deck, non-motorized treadmill (CNT) will both result in energy expenditure, it is unknown whether there is a difference in energy expenditure between the TMT and CNT. The purpose of this research was to determine if there is a significant difference in energy expenditure between running on a CNT and TMT for equivalent distances of running.

Methods: Nine healthy, recreationally-trained athletes (age 27.2+10.2 years) volunteered to have their effort analyzed while running on a TMT and CNT. After a familiarization period, each subject was randomly assigned to complete their first 1-mile bout on the TMT or CNT. Once completed, they were given sufficient rest before completing the second 1-mile bout on the opposing treadmill. Dependent t-test were used to test for differences between VO2 (L·min-1), rate of energy expenditure (REE) (kcals·min-1; kcals·mile-1), and heart rate (beats·min-1).

Results: Running one mile on a CNT resulted in a greater VO2(p=.0006), REE(kcals·min-1 p=.0005; kcals·mile-1 p=.0001) and HR (p=.005).

Conclusion: These findings indicate that running on a CNT results in a greater metabolic effort. The cause of this demand is yet to be conclusively determined.

Keywords: Treadmill, Curved, energy expenditure, calorie expenditure, heart rate.

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How to Cite


Andrew Hatchett, Christi Brewer, Kaitlyn Armstrong, Brian Parr. (2018-07-26). "Energy Expenditure for Aerobic Exercise on a Curved, Non-Motorized Treadmill Versus a Traditional Motorized Treadmill." *Volume 1*, 1, 34-38